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IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme

Background to the Study


This webinar was organised by the IEAGHG Risk Management Network, which aims to bring worldwide experts together to discuss topics pertinent to the risk management of CCS / CCUS projects including risk analysis, risk data management, regulatory engagement and impacts of activities.


On Tuesday 18th January 2022, the IEAGHG Risk Management Network held a webinar which aimed to be a roundtable presentation of CCS / CCUS (carbon capture and storage / carbon capture, utilisation and storage) project operator experience, with risk management, during the permitting process.  This webinar heard from panellists on the Northern Lights project, the Porthos project, California experiences with permitting and Oxy’s recent project experiences.


The webinar attracted an audience of 138 in addition to 8 panellists and 2 IEAGHG staff.


This webinar was an informal roundtable discussion to learn about the experiences that project operators have had relating to risk management during the permitting process. It provided an understanding of the challenges faced and explored potential ways to overcome such issues for future permits.  The virtual event welcomed speakers from CCS projects and industry to hear their views and learn more about the challenges they have faced, specifically when going through the permitting process.

The report is available to download.